The quality of dog in these pups is truly amazing
As a Realtor, the greatest compliment is a referral or a repeat client -- I think so highly of my first RBRandL Labrador that I have done both. I was blessed with the opportunity to welcome THREE Red Barn Ranch and Labrador Labs into my home and there is no turning back! One, two, THREE Red Barn Ranch Labradors bless my home, my life! As a testimonial goes, three speaks volumes to my commitment to Red Barn Ranch and Labradors as well as Sandy's commitment to me. Yes, the breeder's commitment to the client; it is a relationship, not a transaction when buying one (or three) of these puppies.The beginning of my story is similar to many - after the passing of my first Labrador, I grieved. When my heart and mind were ready, I began to research the purchase of my next black Labrador. I met and talked with a couple of breeders, none fitting what I wanted, none making the connection. One breeder kindly recommended I pay a visit to Sandy Stokes in Charles Town, WV; she just happened to have black Labrador puppies soon to be ready for their new homes. The day I made the trip I was not ready to welcome a puppy into my life; however, God and Puppy #3 had a different plan! When the gate opened, Gracie, along with her eleven puppies made their way out; it was Puppy #3 along with the special meeting with the Stokes that changed my mind, my heart and my life - forever!For Sandy Stokes the Red Barn Ranch and Labradors breeding is not a part-time or side job operation; it is who she is and what she does - full time, everyday! Sandy has been there to help me and other owners with training and education related to everything from the right collar to the right bones for chewing to their daily diet. Years later she continues to be there for the celebrations as well as whatever challenge one or all three may deliver my way. Likewise, as the breeding program grows, so does the network of owners who connect and even rely on one another for advice or guidance.Rodanthe, Maggie and Sandpiper enjoy every opportunity to travel with me from errands to vacations. During our travels we and have encountered countless people who admire and compliment in different ways: sitting in traffic, folks 'hoot' from their vehicles, 'your dogs are gorgeous!' or running on beach, swimming in the ocean they become part of OTHER families' home movies. While my three are particular special to me; because of Sandy's dedication to her breeding program, all Red Barn Ranch Labradors possess the same outstanding personalities that captivate the people that experience them. The quality of dog in these pups is truly amazing and has made training and spoiling them EASY! The Stokes Family and the beloved Red Barn Ranch and Labradors' Desdemona's Grace (Gracie), you are truly amazing and all these years later, I thank you every day…times THREE!Red Barn Ranch and Labradors - you not only have a client for life, you have a friend who shouts from the mountain tops how great these Labradors are and will continue to do so! Thank you for opening the door to your home, to your heart and the gate to these wonderful Labradors!
RBR and L
Billie Jo in York, PA
