She Was A Bull Dozer

Because I rescued Chloe I didn't know much about how she was trained or if she was trained. In a word, Chloe was a spaz. She jumped, she was a bull dozer when she got excited and she could tear the house apart in a matter of minutes. She wasn't resistant to correction but, correction didn't last long. My toddler quickly learned to walk in big circles around her when she was excited because she would knock him down.I was worried about not being able to train Chloe. I was worried that she was unable to train since, with no real explanation, she was given up as a healthy, happy dog. I learned that Chloe is smarter than I'd given her credit for and she's just as sweet as I thought she was at the shelter.I struggled with her being stubborn to down. She caught on quickly to everything but the down command. She also resisted being physically handled. I also struggled with breaking my habit of repeating myself when giving commands, as did my husband. Sandy was just as patient with me as she was with Chloe. Chloe was too smart for her own good in training. She would do anything for a treat with precision but, when there was no treat there was little compliance. I had to learn out how to get Chloe to respond to training without treats. She did learn to do things for praise and petting pretty quickly. Chloe responded well to training even when we took treats out of the equation.I went looking for training for Chloe because I needed her to understand that some things were just not acceptable, behaviors like jumping up and begging. I chose private lessons because I wanted one-on-one attention to make sure that both Chloe and I "got" what we were supposed to be doing and that's what I got.We rescued Chloe because our older dog was sick and our toddler is hooked on dogs. Our goal was to have a dog that we can take out to public events, to socialize in public and with our family, instead of having a dog that can't behave on a leash around others. Chloe had passed all our social tests with family but, we wanted to make sure that she could be trusted in a less controlled environment - meaning that she needed to be able to leave things alone, not jump on random passersby, and could 'play nice in the sandbox' when we visit with other dogs.Chloe is a much better behaved dog after training. Just about the time my husband and I think she's the same old spaz, she does something to surprise us. She is much more responsive to commands, especially around meal time with our toddler. Chloe hates to leave his side but, comes when called and leaves alone what she's told to leave. She is much better, not jumping up when greeting people.I understand the process of training much better now after working with Sandy. We continue to work on the down command with Chloe and she is making great strides in staying in the down position on her own, something that we thought would never happen without hands-on assistance. I am so glad that I picked Red Barn Ranch and Labradors, LLC for Chloe's training.

Katy D. ~ Charles Town, WV

RBR and L

Katy D. ~ Charles Town, WV

Because I rescued Chloe I didn't know much about how she was trained or if she was trained. In a word, Chloe was a spaz. She jumped, she was a bull dozer when she got excited and she could tear the house apart in a matter of minutes. She wasn't resistant to correction but, correction didn't last long. My toddler quickly learned to walk in big circles around her when she was excited because she would knock him down. I was worried about not being able to train Chloe. I was worried that she was unable to train since, with no real explanation, she was given up as a healthy, happy dog. I learned that Chloe is smarter than I'd given her credit for and she's just as sweet as I thought she was at the shelter. I struggled with her being stubborn to down. She caught on quickly to everything but the down command. She also resisted being physically handled. I also struggled with breaking my habit of repeating myself when giving commands, as did my husband. Sandy was just as patient with me as she was with Chloe. Chloe was too smart for her own good in training. She would do anything for a treat with precision but, when there was no treat there was little compliance. I had to learn out how to get Chloe to respond to training without treats. She did learn to do things for praise and petting pretty quickly. Chloe responded well to training even when we took treats out of the equation. I went looking for training for Chloe because I needed her to understand that some things were just not acceptable, behaviors like jumping up and begging. I chose private lessons because I wanted one-on-one attention to make sure that both...